
Strategic Resource and Information Ltd. is a management consultancy providing Organisational Development & Human Capital Development Consultancy to discerning organisations.  We work with organisations to identify areas of performance strengths and weaknesses, implementing interventions across the various organisational sub-systems as is required in a measured and sustainable manner.  

Solutions to challenges or proactive improvements are offered through methodologies such as Change Management, Process Re-engineering and Training in a controlled Project Management environment.  Effects of interventions on sub-systems are taken into account always.

In summary, Strategic-RaIL’s objective is to, through a solid consultancy framework and the establishment of a Training & Development Institute, actively support the emergence of a national workforce of global quality and deliver professional services to organisations in raising robust and healthy corporate structures (and cultures) that encourage continuous improvement in productivity, quality of output and ‘people’. 

Our outlook is global and our services are hinged on passion, experience and technical know-how.